Flex & Drive Cables (PTY) LTD was established in 1990, to manufacture Automotive and Industrial Cables. Our premises are centrally situated in Johannesburg and house the Manufacturing as well as the Administrative facilities. From here, we design and supply cables for an extremely wide variety of applications in all types of industries, and focus not only on the Republic of South Africa as our target market, but also supply to Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Zambia. We manufacture cables/controls for many uses, including, Building machinery, Cranes, Mining machinery, Boats and Ships, Lawn mowing equipment, Brush cutting equipment, Specialized vehicles, Road building equipment, Industrial plant equipment and many more.
We aim to please and place great importance on QUALITY and Customer Satisfaction. We have the experience and knowledge to develop and produce suitable components and systems. Our concept of Quality, Safety and Reliability enables any combinations to be realized. Our production and quality assurance facilities ensure the well known FLEX & DRIVEproduct standard.